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We Couldn't Do It Without...

Five invaluable books are at your disposal to assist in identifying Haeger pottery and shedding light on crucial details such as the time period of a piece and the name of the glaze. Many Haeger pieces are marked with numbers, serving as a significant clue and a starting point in the identification process. Occasionally, specific pieces were crafted during certain periods as part of a new product line, only to later fall out of favor, be shelved, and subsequently reintroduced, sometimes decades later.

The diversity and abundance of glazes further complicate matters, with the glaze itself often providing clues about the production year. Certain glazes were produced only during specific timeframes, hinting at the age of any piece sporting that glaze. While many pieces have a clear initial production date, they could have been manufactured at any time thereafter, especially if the item became a staple in Haeger's catalog.

It's worth noting that while there's no single definitive source for information on every Haeger piece ever made, our resources serve as an excellent starting point for your research. We've dedicated ourselves earnestly to provide accurate information about your pottery. 

The Five Books Are:


  • The Haeger Glazes, The Ed Blas Collection 

  • The House of Haeger 1914-1944, The Revitalization of American Art Pottery

  • The House of Haeger 1944-1969 The Post War Era

  • Haeger Potteries, Through the Years

  • Collecting Royal Haeger, A Comprehensive Illustrated Price Guide * Highlighting the 1930’s and 1940’s

There are also some fantastic Facebook Groups that are wholly devoted to Haeger Potteries, and they have proven to be an invaluable resource for us. Take a look at the Royal Haeger Collectors Group. These individuals are incredibly committed and enthusiastic about collecting Haeger pottery, and they're always eager to share their extensive knowledge. They've painstakingly gathered and shared more than 90% of Haeger's catalogs, established a comprehensive glaze library, and are genuinely dedicated to helping people discover the world of Haeger. We're tremendously thankful for their presence and willingness to assist.

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